USER’S MANUAL for Models
Gas Barbecue Grill
(Propane & Natural Gas)
50004060 12/06 Rev.1 En
The Signal Words used in this Manual, and their intended meanings, are as follows :
DANGER: Indicates that a failure to observe the safety instructions could result in death or
catastrophic bodily injury.
WARNING: Indicates that a failure to observe the safety instructions could result in serious
bodily injury.
CAUTION: Indicates that a failure to observe the safety instructions could result in property
damage or minor bodily injury.
NOTE: Designates important information relating to the safe use of the Grill.
Since this outdoor cooking appliance is movable, is fueled by natural or propane gas, generates
very high temperatures for cooking and emits carbon monoxide as a by-product of combustion,
prudent precautions must be taken to assure its safe use.
DANGER: This Grill has been designed for OUTDOOR use only.
Never use this outdoor Grill inside any building, garage, shed or breezeway, or inside any boat,
trailer or recreational vehicle, to prevent a possible fire and to prevent the possibility of carbon
monoxide poisoning or asphyxiation
DANGER: Exposing an overfilled or a disconnected propane cylinder to heat could cause
venting of fuel through the pressure release valve. Since propane vapor is heavier than air it
tends to pool and, if ignited, could produce a violent fire or explosion.
Never install a propane cylinder if it is more than 80% full, as the contents may lack adequate
room for expansion when exposed to heat.
Never store a spare Propane Gas Cylinder in the cylinder compartment of this Grill, because it
will be exposed to high temperatures when the Grill is in use.
This Gas Barbecue Grill will provide you with many years of pleasure and enjoyment, if it is
used in accordance with the Warnings and Safety Instructions contained in this Manual.
The essential Warnings and Safety Instructions are located throughout the pages of this Manual,
but some of the principal ones have been summarized as follows for your convenience:
Page ii
Never use this outdoor Grill inside any building, garage, shed or breezeway, or inside any boat, trailer or
recreational vehicle, to prevent a possible fire and to prevent the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning
Always confirm that this Grill is not positioned under a combustible object (e.g., an awning or umbrella) or
in acoveredarea(e.g., a porchorgazebo)beforelighting it, topreventa possible fire.
Always confirm that this Grill is not positioned under the overhang of a house, a garage or other structure
before lighting it. An overhang will serve to deflect flare-ups and radiated heat into the structure itself, which
couldresultin a fire.
Always confirm that this Grill is positioned more than
36” (1 m) away from any combustible materials or
surfaces before lighting it, and that no gasoline or other
volatile substances are stored in the vicinity of this
Grill. The temperature of a grease fire or of the
radiated heat might otherwise be sufficient to ignite
Always locate this Grill where there will be ample
combustion and ventilation air, but never position it in
thedirectpath of a strongwind.
Never allow the Grill to operate while unattended, to
Never attempt to move this Grill while it is in operation
orwhileitisstillhot, topreventpossiblepersonal injury.
Never store or use gasoline or other flammable or
volatile substances inside or in the vicinity of this Grill
or in the vicinity of any other heat-generating
appliance, becauseof thedangerof startinga fire.
Fig. 1
Always confirm that the installation of this Grill conforms with the requirements of all local Codes or, in the
absence of any applicable local Codes, with either the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA54, or
CAN/CGA-B149.1-05, NaturalGasandPropane Installation Code.
Page iii
Never install a propane cylinder that is more than 80 % full, as the contents may lack adequate room for
expansion when exposed to heat. Propane vapor may then be vented through the pressure release valve,
which couldaccumulateina pool andlaterresultina fireorexplosion.
Always instruct your certified propane fuel supplier to confirm by weight that your cylinder is not more than
80 % full. An empty cylinder will weigh about 19 lb., while a properly filled cylinder should weigh no more
than 39lb.
Never store a spare Propane Cylinder in the cylinder compartment of this Grill. Exposing a disconnected
cylinder to heat could result in the venting of propane vapor through the pressure release valve, and the
pooled vapor could result in a violent fire. (No hazard is posed by the connected cylinder if it is not
overfilled, however, as ittendstorefrigerateitself whileitisbeing used.)
Always confirm that all openings in the cylinder compartment of this Grill are free of any obstructions that
would restrict the circulation of ventilation air. Good ventilation will prevent the pooling of leaked propane
vapor, which isheavierthan air, andwhichcouldexplodeif ignited.
Always consult the Rating Label on the back of the Grill to confirm which fuel must be used with the Grill.
Never operate the Grill with propane gas if it has been configured to use natural gas, to prevent hazardous
Always confirm that there are no gas leaks before lighting this Grill. Apply a 50/50 solution of liquid soap
and water to the gas supply line connectors with a brush or spray bottle, and watch for bubbles. Never use a
match oropen flametotestforgas leaks.
Always visually inspect the gas supply line for fraying, cracking or rodent damage before each use of this
Grilland, if necessary, install a replacementobtained fromyourdealerbeforelighting thisGrill.
Always store your spare Propane Gas Cylinders in an outdoor area that is well-ventilated, shady, cool and
removed from any heat source. Always store those cylinders in an upright position. Never store a spare
cylinderin thevicinityof thisGrill, orinthevicinityof any otherheat-generatingappliance.
Always consult the Rating Label on the back of the Grill to confirm which fuel must be used with the Grill.
Never attempt to operate the Grill with natural gas if it has been configured to use propane gas, to prevent
possible bodily injury.
Always employ a qualified service agency to install all necessary gas supply plumbing, for safety reasons and
toassurecompliancewithall applicable Codes.
Page iv
Always promptly shut off the gas supply and immediately extinguish all flames if you smell gas. Always seek
assistance from your gas supplier or local Fire Department if the gas smell persists, because of the danger of
Always confirm that there are no gas leaks before lighting this Grill. Apply a 50/50 solution of liquid soap
and water to the gas supply line connectors with a brush or spray bottle, and watch for bubbles. Never use a
match oropen flametotestforgas leaks.
Always visually inspect the gas supply line for fraying, cracking or rodent damage before each use of this
Grilland, if necessary, install a replacementbeforelighting thisGrill.
Neverpermita gassupplylinetocontactanyheatedsurfaceof thisGrill.
EnsuretheGrillisproperlycooledbeforeplacing thecoverbackon theGrill.
Always keep children and pets under close supervision when using this Grill, and never permit them to come
neartheGrillwhileitisinuse, as theexteriorsurfaceswillbeveryhot.
Always wear insulated protective mitts when working at the Grill, or when attempting to close a gas supply
valve after cooking has been completed, to prevent possible burns. Always use insulated pot holders when
handling containersof hot food.
Alwayswearan insulatedprotectivemittwhen adding a smoking agenttoa SmokerBox.
Never store or use gasoline or other flammable or volatile substances in the vicinity of this Grill, or in the
vicinityof any otherheat-generatingappliance.
Always confirm that this Grill has been grounded in accordance with local Codes or, in the absence of local
Codes, withtheNational ElectricalCode, ANSI/NFPA No. 70ortheCanadian ElectricalCode, CSA C22.1,
whenan external electricalsourceisbeingutilizedfortheRotisserieMotor.
Always use a grounded three-prong outlet and a three-prong extension cord to energize the Rotisserie
Motor. Never alter or remove the grounding prong on the Rotisserie Power Cord, as an electric shock hazard
would thenresult.
Neverpermitan electricalsupplycordtocontactany heatedsurfaceof thisGrill.
Page v
WARNING: Never use Natural Gas in a Grill that has been configured to burn Propane Gas, and never use
Propane Gas in a Grill that has been configured to use Natural Gas, to avoid possible bodily injury. Always
consulttheRating Labelonthebackof yourGrilltoconfirm which fuelmustbeusedwiththeGrill.
WARNING: Use only the pressure regulator and type I propane gas supply coupling and hose that is
originally providedwiththisapplianceoras specified, (seeFig. 2).
Always install a 20 lb. propane cylinder that is equipped with a
type I valve outlet (see Fig. 3), and that has a 12” diameter and
an 18” height. Always use a propane cylinder that has been
constructed and marked in conformance with either the
specifications for LP Gas Cylinders of the U.S. Department of
Transportation or the specifications in the National Standard
of Canada, CAN/CSA-B339, Cylinder, Spheres and Tube for
Transportation of DangerousGoods, as applicable.
Check hose for breaks
or wear before each use.
Type 1
Always confirm that your propane cylinder is equipped with a
shutoff valve terminating in a Type I propane cylinder valve
outletconnection, and thatithas been provided with a collar to
Fig. 2
Never install a propane cylinder in this Grill unless it is
equippedwitha listedOverfillProtectionDevice(OPD).
Shutoff Valve
Always have a new propane cylinder properly purged of air by
your certified propane gas dealer. Since a new cylinder is
initially filled with air, the air must first be purged before it is
Always visually inspect the gas supply line for fraying, cracking
or rodent damage before each use of this Grill and, if
necessary, install a replacement obtained from your dealer
priortolighting thisGrill.
Place dust cap on cylinder valve outlet whenever the cylinder is
not in use. Only install the type of dust cap on the cylinder
valve that is provided with the cylinder valve. Other types of
capsorplugsmayresultinleakageof propane.
Fig. 3
Page 2
a)Donot storea spareLP-GasCylinderunderornearthisappliance
c)If theinformationina)andb)isnot followedexactly, a firecausingdeathorseriousinjurymayoccur.
WARNING: Always confirm that the openings in the cylinder compartment of the Grill are free of any
obstructions that would restrict the circulation of ventilation air. Good ventilation will prevent any possible
accumulationof leakedpropanevapor, whichisheavierthanairand which couldexplodeif ignited.
NOTE: Always have a certified propane gas supplier inspect and re-qualify your refillable propane gas cylinder
priortoeach refilling, inaccordancewithDOTorTC requirementsforpropane cylinders.
Alwayshandle propanecylinderswithgreatcare, as thecontentsareunderhigh pressure.
Alwaysclosethepropanecylindervalvepromptlyaftereach useof theGrill.
Always store propane cylinders outdoors, in an upright, secure position, out of direct sunlight, away from
living quarters and in a well-ventilated, cool, dry area. NEVER STORE A CYLINDER IN A BUILDING,
Alwayskeep cylindersoutof reachof children.
Always confirm that a valve dust cap has been tightly installed and that the valve itself is fully closed,
whenevera propanecylinderhas beendisconnected.
Alwaystransportapropanecylinderinan upright, secureposition, afterconfirming thatitsvalveisclosed.
Alwaysstabilizea cylinderso thatitcannot move, whenitisbeing transportedina cartrunk.
Nevertransporta propanecylinderinthepassengercompartmentof a carortruck.
Never store a Gas Grill indoors, unless the propane cylinder has first been disconnected and removed from
Never expose a propane cylinder to any heat source, never apply heat directly to a cylinder and never store a
sparecylinderin thevicinityof thisGrill.
Neverpainta propane cylindera darkcolor, as thiscan causethecylinderand itscontentstooverheat.
The LP cylinder must be arranged for vapor withdrawal. The cylinder must be upright with the valve at the
top. (Fig. 3)
Page 3
Gas Hookup
Hooking Up totheLP(Propane) GasSupply
1.WARNING: Neverstoreorusegasolineorany
othervolatilesubstanceinthevicinityof thisGrill.
2.WARNING: Neverstorea sparepropanecylinder
in thevicinityof thisGrill, orinthevicinityof any
otherpotential heatsource.
1.Alwaysplacethepropanetank inthetank locatorhole in
thebottom pan of thecylindercompartmentand insureit
issecuredinto place.
2. Alwaysconfirm thatall burnercontrolknobs areinthe
OFFposition beforeactivating thegas supply.
Fig. 4
3.Alwaysconnectthegas supplyregulatoras follows:
Insertthenipple of thevalvecouplinginto thetankvalve
andtightentheconnectioncollarbyturning itclockwise
withone hand whileholding theregulatorwiththeother
(seeFig. 4).
WARNING: Alwaysconducta leaktestbeforelighting the
Grill, topreventa possible fireorexplosion (seepage5).
CAUTION:Forconnectionof an LPgas grilltoa fixedpipe
LPbulksystem, consultyourlocal gas supplier.
Fig. 5
Page 4
Gas Hookup
1.PushbacktheSleeveontheSocketas shownbelow
(seeFig. 6a).
Retract Sleeve
2.InsertPlugand releasetheSleeve(seeFig. 6b).
3.PushthePluguntilSleevesnaps forwardtolockthe
Plugin theSocket.
Fig. 6a
WARNING: Alwaysconductthefollowingsafetytests
beforelighting theGrill, topreventa possible fireor
explosion (seeleaktestbelow).
1.PushSleevebackandpull thePlugout.
Release Sleeve
Fig. 6b
1.Alwaysconfirm thatall burnercontrolknobs areintheOFFposition.
2.Alwaysconnectthegas supplyhosefirstand thenopen thegas shutoff valve.
3.Always use a brush or spray bottle to apply a 50/50 solution of liquid soap and water to all connection points
(seeFig. 5)totestforgas leaks. Neverusea match oropen flameforthatpurpose.
4.Always look for bubbles to appear, as the appearance of bubbles will indicate a gas leak. Always turn off the
gas immediatelyandtightentheconnection, if youfind thata leakexists.
5.Alwaysrepeatthisprocedureuntilnofurthergas leaksarefound toexist, beforelighting theGrill.
6.Never attempt to light this Grill, however, if a leak cannot be stopped. Always call your gas supplier
promptlytoobtain assistance.
Always consult the Rating Label on the back of the Grill to confirm that it has already been configured to
burn NaturalGas.
All gas supply plumbing should be performed only by a qualified service agency. In the U.S., the supply
connection must be made in accordance with local code or, in the absence of local codes, with the national
fuel gas codes, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA54. In Canada, the supply connection shall be carried out in accordance
with the provincial authorities having jurisdiction and in accordance with the requirements of the CAN/
CGA 1-B149.1 installation code. A shutoff value must be installed between the gas grill and the main supply.
For natural gas, use a 3/8” or 1/2” natural gas supply line capable of an a input of up to 100,000 BTUs
(dependingon themodel).
Always disconnect the Grill and close its individual manual shutoff valve, when conducting pressure tests of
thegas supplypiping systematpressureswhich exceed1/2psi(3.5kPa).
AlwaysisolatetheGrillfromthegas supplypiping systembyclosingitsindividualmanualshutoff valve.
Page 5
WARNING: Never open the Tank Valve unless the Grill is being prepared for use, to prevent the pooling of
propane vapor.
Always open the Valve immediately before lighting the Grill, and always close it immediately after cooking has
On Models VCS3507, VCS3517 & VCS3507BI, there are three independent control valves for the main
burners, and a separatecontrolvalvefortherotisserieburner(if equipped).
On Models VCS4007, VCS4017, VCS4027, & VCS4037, there are four independent control valves for the
main burners, and a separatecontrolvalvefortherotisserieburner.
On Models VCS5007, VCS5017, VCS5027, VCS5037, & VCS5007BI, there are five independent control
valvesforthemain burners, anda separatecontrolvalvefortherotisserieburner.
The OFF position is indicated above each knob. A full range of flame adjustment is available from High to
Low, (byturning a knobcounterclockwise).
As you push and hold the Igniter Button, you will hear a series of clicks as the igniter module generates an
ignition spark to the burners. The burner should light within five seconds. Depending on which model you
have, the system is powered by either a single “AA” or a single “AAA” battery. Ensure the battery has been
installed before using the igniter. To remove or replace the battery, turn the push button knob counter-
clockwise, and carefully pull out the spring and battery. Ensure that the positive end of the battery is in the
As you turn the Igniter Knob clockwise, you will hear a click as the Piezo module generates an ignition spark to
theburner. RotatetheIgniterKnob untiltheburnerlights. Theburnershould lightwithinfiveseconds.
Igniter Button
(All Models)
Main Burners
(3, 4, or 5)
Rotisserie Burner Control
(if equipped)
(VCS5007 Model Shown)
Fig. 7
Page 6
NOTE: When lighting the grill for the first time,
burn with the main burners on HIGH for at least 30
minutes, toburn off any manufacturingresidues.
1. a. Always open the Hood completely and always inspect the Grill
and burners to confirm that all components are properly positioned
beforelightingthemain burners.
b. Makesurethegreasecupisemptyand greasetrayisclean.
c. Always visually inspect the gas supply line for fraying, cracking, or
rodent damage before lighting the grill and, if necessary, install a
replacementobtained fromyourdealerpriortolightingthegrill.
WARNING: Neverstandwithyourhead directlyovertheGrill
whenpreparingtolightthemain burners, topreventpossible
2. Always confirm that all of the burner control knobs are in the OFF
position beforeopeningthegas supply.
3. Turn on the propane gas supply valve at the tank (1 to 2 turns) or
turnon themain naturalgas supplyvalve(seeFig. 8).
Fig. 8
4. Turn the selected Burner Control Knob to the HIGH position by
pushingdownontheknoband turning itcounter-clockwise.
5. Immediately activate the Igniter (see Page 6). The selected burner should light within five seconds. Light the
WARNING: IF THE SELECTED BURNER DOES NOT LIGHT, immediately turn the burner control
knob to the OFF position, to prevent gas buildup. Wait five (5) minutes for the gas to clear and then repeat the
preceding starting procedure. If the burner will not light when using the Igniter, follow the match lighting
6. Confirm that the burner is properly lit and that the flame pattern is as desired, (see Figs. 9a, 9b & 9c, for the proper
flame patterns). If the flame pattern is other than normal, consult the Troubleshooting Guide on Page 23 for
7. Always preheat the grill before starting cooking. Light all burners and adjust them to the HIGH position for 5 to
10 minutes or until the Grill reaches the desired cooking temperature. Before placing any food on the Grill, make
surethatthecooking surfaceisfreefromfoodanddebris.
8. AdjusttheControls toa mediumsettingformostcookingrequirements. Alightcoatingof cookingoilon
thecooking grids, beforeheatingtheGrill, willhelppreventfoodsfromstickingtotheGrill.
Fig. 9a
Fig. 9b
Fig. 9c
Normal: Soft blue flames
Out of Adjustment: Noisy, hard blue
flames indicate too much air
Poor Combustion: Wavy yellow
flames indicate too little air.
Page 7
1.Alwaysturn theburnercontrolknob(s)totheOFFpositionwhencooking has beencompleted.
2.Promptlyturn OFFthegas supplyvalveatthepropane cylinderoratthemain naturalgas supplyline.
3.ClosetheHood of theGrill.
“Flare-ups” sometimes occur when food drippings fall onto the hot sear plates or burners and ignite. Some
flaringisnormal anddesirable, as ithelpsimparttheuniqueflavorsassociatedwithgrilledfoods.
Controlling the intensity of the flare-ups is also desirable, however, in order to avoid burned or unevenly
cookedfoods and topreventthepossibilityof an accidentalfire.
WARNING: Always monitor the Grill carefully while cooking and turn the flame level down (LOW), or
OFF, if flare-ups intensify. To prevent uncontrolled grease fires from erupting, never allow the grill to
1.a. Always open the Hood completely and always
inspect the Grill and burners to confirm that all
components are properly positioned before lighting
themain burners.
b. Make sure the grease cup is empty and grease tray is
c. Always visually inspect the gas supply line for
fraying, cracking, or rodent damage before lighting
the grill and, if necessary, install a replacement
obtained fromyourdealerpriortolightingthegrill.
WARNING: Neverstandwithyourhead directlyover
theGrillwhenpreparingtolightthemainburners, to
preventpossible bodilyinjury.
2.Always confirm that all of the burner control knobs
are in the OFF position before opening the gas
Fig. 10
3.Always turn on the propane gas supply valve at the tank (1 to 2 turns) or turn on the main natural gas supply
4.Insert a lit match or a butane lighter into the match lighting hole located on the left hand side of the base, (see
Fig. 10).
5.Turn the left Burner Control Knob to the HIGH position by pushing down on the knob and turning it
6.Never store flammable or easily combustible objects (matches, butane lighters, cloths, etc.) in the pull out
warmingdrawer(if equipped).
Page 8
TheRotisserieburnerprovidesthesteady, evenheatrequiredtocook poultryand roaststoself-basted
1.AlwaysopentheHood completelybeforeattemptingtolighttheGrill.
WARNING: Never stand with your head directly over the Grill when preparing to light the Rotisserie
burner, topreventpossible bodilyinjury.
2.Alwaysconfirm thatall of theburnercontrolknobs areintheOFFpositionbeforeopening thegassupply.
3.Turn on thepropane gas supplyvalveatthetank(1to2turns)orturn on themain naturalgas supplyvalve.
4.Turn the Rotisserie Burner Control Knob to the HIGH position, by pushing down on the knob and turning
5.Immediatelypush theIgniterButton. TheRotisserieburnershould lightwithinfiveseconds.
control knob to the OFF position, to prevent gas buildup Wait five (5) minutes for the gas to clear and then
repeat the preceding starting procedure. If the burner will not light when using the Igniter, follow the match
6.Confirm that the burner is properly lit and that the flame pattern is as desired, (see Figs. 9a, 9b & 9c, for the
proper flame patterns). If the flame pattern is other than normal, consult the Troubleshooting Guide on
7.AlwayspreheattheGrillbeforestartingtocook on therotisserie.
1.AlwaysopentheHood completely, beforeattemptingtolighttheGrill.
WARNING:Neverstandwithyourhead directlyovertheGrill
whenpreparingtolighttheRotisserieBurner, topreventpossible
Lighting Hole
bodily injury.
2.Alwaysconfirm thatall of theburnercontrolknobs arein
theOFFposition beforeopening thegas supply.
3.Turn on thepropane gas supplyvalveatthetank(1to2
turns)orturn on themainnaturalgas supplyvalve.
4.Inserta litmatch ora butanelighterinto thematch lighting
holelocatedbelowtherotisseriescreen(seeFig. 11).
5.Turn theRotisserieControlKnobtotheHIGH positionbypushing
Fig. 11
downon theknob andturningitcounterclockwise.
Page 9
TheRotisserieburnerisintendedtobeusedforrotisseriecooking only.
WARNING: Never use the main burners while using the Rotisserie burner, as that could result in igniting the
drippings, oroverheatingyourGrill, whichcouldresultindamageof theGrill.
The Rotisserie assembly includes a
Fig. 12a
counter-weight for large or irregular
food items ; using the counterweight
1.Remove the warming rack. Lay a flat
pan directly on the cooking grates to
catch drippings. Large food items
may require that you remove the
middle cooking grate(s), and place
thepan on thesearplates.
2.Insert the ends of the Rotisserie
Support into the slots of the right
cooking grate, so that the edge of the
support is approximately 1” from the
right casting, and the top groove is in
line with the rotisserie spit hole in the
leftcasting(seeFig. 12a).
3.EngagetheMotorBrackettotheleftsideof thebaseas
Spit Rod - Motor End
Fig. 12a).
5.Assemblethespitandmeatforks. Adjusttheretainer
bushingtokeep thespitinplace(seeFig. 12a).
Fig. 12b
7.InserttheSpitRodintotheRotisserieMotor (seeFig. 12b).
NOTES: Alwaysusethecounterweighttobalance thespitwhencooking largeorirregularfooditems.
TheRotisserieMotorisratedtoturn a maximumload of 12lb.
NeverusetheRotisserieMotorintherain, and neveruseitif ithas becomewet.
Always use a grounded three-prong outlet and a three-prong extension cord to energize the Rotisserie
Motor. Never alter or remove the grounding prong on the Rotisserie Power Cord, as an electricshock hazard
would thenresult.
Neverpermitan electricalsupplycordora gas supplylinetocontactany heatedsurfaceof thisGrill.
Page 10
WARNING: Never stand with your head directly over the Grill when preparing to light the side burner, to
preventpossible bodily injury.
1.Turn thesideburnercontrolknob toHIGH(seeFig. 13).
2.Turn the Igniter Knob clockwise until the burner ignites. The burner should light within four clicks of the
igniter. NOTE: Some models are equipped with an electronic ignter. Refer to page 6 for respective piezo
NOTE: Observe the flame pattern. Soft blue flames are normal ; hard blue flames or wavy yellow flames are
not. You can adjust the flame with the air shutter below the control knob (see Fig 19). If yellow flames persist,
1.Turn thecontrolknobcounterclockwisetotheHIGHposition, thendepressitand turn ittoOFF.
NEVER forcetheknobwithoutdepressingit, as that can damagethevalve.
NOTE: Single burner
model shown.
Fig. 13
Page 11
Troubleshooting Guide
Gas supply turned off
Turn on fuel supply and retry.
Burner will not
Out of propane
Confirm the flow of gas by smell or by listening
for the hiss of gas being emitted. Allow gas to clear
before attempting to relight.
Weigh your propane cylinder. A standard 20 lb.
cylinder will weigh about 19 lb. when it is empty
and 39 lb. when it is 80 % full.
WARNING: Never take a propane cylinder
indoors for any purpose.
Blockage in the gas system
Confirm that the venturi tubes are not blocked by
insects or other debris. Use a special venturi brush
to clean (Fig. 15).
Use a pin or needle to carefully probe the orifice in
the gas valve. Never enlarge the orifice (Fig. 16).
Misalignment of the gas valve to the
venturi tubes of the burner.
Look under the front control panel and reinsert the
gas injector into the venturi tube, if required (Fig.
Improper attachment of the propane
hose and regulator
Tighten the regulator’s plastic collar onto the
cylinder valve.
Hand-tighten only (Fig. 4).
Unit won’t heat
up (LP)
Control knob left open at startup,
turning gas on too quickly
For safety, the regulator coupling on your barbecue
is equipped with a flow control mechanism. This
device limits gas flow in the event of a sudden
change in the demand for gas. This may be
engaged inadvertently, if a burner control knob
should be left ON when you open the propane
cylinder valve. Rapidly opening the valve can also
engage flow control. To resolve the problem, close
your cylinder valve. Confirm that all burner control
knobs are in the OFF position. Open the cylinder
valve slowly (about 1 to 2 turns) and wait 5
seconds. Finally, turn a single burner ON and try
relighting it.
Unit won’t stay lit Wind
Running out of fuel
Always shelter your Grill from strong winds.
Confirm the flow of gas by smell, or by listening
for the hiss of gas being emitted.
Weigh your propane cylinder. A standard 20 lb.
cylinder will with about 19 lb. when it is empty ad
39 lb. when it is 80% full.
WARNING: Never take a propane cylinder
indoors for any purpose.
Page 22
Troubleshooting Guide
Uneven burn
Flashback fire
Blockage in the burner or gas system
Confirm that the venturi tubes are not blocked by
insects or other debris. Use a special venturi brush
to clean (Fig. 15).
Use a pin or needle to probe the orifice in the gas
valve. Never enlarge the orifice (Fig. 16).
Use a small nail or toothpick to clean the burner
ports (Fig. 16).
Corroded burner
Corrosion of a gas burner can cause the solid
material between the gas ports to deteriorate,
resulting in uneven burning. See your retailer for
the appropriate replacement burner.
Excessive yellow
Improper air shutter opening
Your Grill should burn with a predominantly blue
flame. If the flame is mostly yellow, check the
venturi tubes for obstruction and clean as shown
on Page 19. If yellow flames still persist, adjust the
opening on the air shutter of the venturi tube
located under the front console of the Grill (Fig.
Excessively fatty foods
Grease buildup
Trim all excess fat from meat before cooking.
Confirm that the sear plate is clean and properly
installed. Remove excess grease from the burn
Igniter does not
Electrode fouled
Wipe the electrode with a soft, clean cloth.
Electrode improperly gapped
The electrode should be located 1/8” to 3/16”
from the burner, and positioned to spark to the
edge of a gas port. If the gap is incorrect, or the
unit is not properly sparking, gently bend the
electrode tip into position. Use caution so that the
ceramic insulator does not crack.
Electrode cracked
If the ceramic insulator on the electrode is cracked,
it may short out. Replace the electrode.
Lead wire is disconnected
Confirm that the lead from the Ignitor module to
the electrode is well seated on the termination of
the module.
Lead wire is cracked
A crack in the lead wire may result in shorting.
Replace the wire.
Battery dead or installed wrong
The battery in the Igniter Button may be dead or
installed incorrectly. Correct position is positive
end down.
Page 23
VCS4007 / VCS4017 / VCS4027 / VCS4037
VCS5007 / VCS5017 / VCS5027 / VCS5037
Tools Required: knife or scissors, Phillips or Robertson (square head) screwdriver..
Model VCS4007
Step 1: Unpack Carton and Verify Contents
Use a sharp cutting tool to cut the straps on the packaging and then lift off the carton top. The sleeve
surrounding the barbecue can be removed by lifting it straight up and over the top of the unit. Compare
all contents to the parts list that accompanies this assembly manual. Next, remove the protective plastic
coverings from the metal parts. Be careful not to scratch or damage the finish of the metal parts when
removing the protective plastic. Refer to the parts list for fastener detail.
CAUTION: Some parts may have sharp edges; to avoid injury, wearing gloves during assembly is
strongly recommended
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50004062 11/06 Rev.0 En
VCS4007 / VCS4017 / VCS4027 / VCS4037 / VCS5007 / VCS5017 / VCS5027 / VCS5037 Assembly
Step 2: Install the Casters
Parts Required: (4) Casters, (1) Block (not included)
Note: Casters (wheels) may differ from those shown in
the illustration depending on the model you purchased.
Select a side to begin installing the casters. Place a block
of wood, a telephone book or anything else available -
approximately 6 inches thick -under the side to support
the weight of the barbecue. Next, insert the pin on the top
of the caster into their respective holes located on the
bottom, near the front and rear corners. If you have any
6” - 8”
(152 - 203mm)
Fig. 2
difficulty snapping them into place, try rocking the
castors in a circular motion. When both casters are in
place, repeat the same procedure on the opposite side.
Step 3: Install U-Clip Fasteners
Parts Required:
(4) #10-20 U-Clip Fasteners
(1) Left Side Shelf Support, (1) Left Side Shelf
(1) Right Side Shelf Support, (1) Right Side Shelf
Install the one (1) U-Clip fastener to each of the Side
Shelf Supports as shown in Fig. 3a. One (1) U-Clip
should be placed on each bracket, with the flat side
Fig. 3a
Install the one (1) U-Clip fastener to each of the Side
Shelves as shown in Fig. 3b. One (1) U-Clip should be
placed on the under side of each shelf, at the front
outside corner, with the flat side out.
Fig. 3b
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VCS4007 / VCS4017 / VCS4027 / VCS4037 / VCS5007 / VCS5017 / VCS5027 / VCS5037 Assembly
Step 4: Install the Side Shelf Supports
Parts Required:
(1) Left Side Shelf Support
(1) Left Condiment Tray
(1) Right Side Shelf Support
(1) Right Condiment Tray
(8) 1/4-20 x 1-1/2“ Bolts
Note: Only the right side assembly is shown in Fig. 4a
and Fig. 4b. To install Left Side Support and Condiment
Tray, repeat this step for the left side.
On the right side of the barbecue there are four threaded
inserts, screw a bolt half way into each of the four
threaded inserts. You will notice the bottom slot of the
support has a 'Y' shaped slot and a 'keyhole' shaped hole
above it. Take the Right Side Shelf Support and slide the
top screw into the 'keyhole' and the bottom screw into the
opening of the 'Y' shaped slot. Now take the Right
Condiment Tray and align its holes over the two front
bolts and gently push down until the bolts settle into the
grooves of the tray.
Fig. 4a
Next: Gently push down on the support until the screw
settles into the top of the groove. Do not fully tighten the
support screws at this point.
Fig. 4b
Step 5: Attach Shelves
Then Snap
Into Place
Parts Required:
(1) Right Shelf - S/B (Shown)
(1) Left Shelf - Solid
Place the Right Shelf - S/B (shown) on top of the
supports making sure the holes are aligned and then snap
into place on the supports. The inside lip of the shelf will
slide between the grill shell and the shelf supports.
Slide End
On First
Fig. 5
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VCS4007 / VCS4017 / VCS4027 / VCS4037 / VCS5007 / VCS5017 / VCS5027 / VCS5037 Assembly
Step 6: Secure Shelves
Fig. 6
Parts Required:
(4) 10-24 x 1/2” Bolts (black)
A. Secure each Shelf by inserting (2) 10-24 x 1/2” bolts
through the U-Clip fasteners as shown in the diagram.
B. Tighten the four (4) Shelf Support bolts from Step 4 to
secure the shelf supports to the grill body.
Repeat Steps 5 & 6 for the opposite side of the grill.
Step 7: Secure Side Shelf to Grill
Parts Required:
Bolt “a”
Bolt “b”
(3) 10-24 x 1/2” Bolts (black)
Lift the grill lid and insert two (2) #10-24 x 1/2” bolts,
shown as “a” and “b” in Fig. 7, to further secure the
Shelf Right - S/B to the grill body. Be sure to fully
tighten the bolts before proceeding to the next step.
Next: Repeat Step 7 on the opposite side of the grill’s
interior to secure the Shelf Left - Solid to the grill body
by inserting only one (1) #10-24 x 1/2” bolt in the “b”
location as shown in the illustration.
Fig. 7
Step 8: Secure Condiment Tray to Console
Parts Required:
(2) #10-24 x 1/2” Bolts (stainless)
(2) #10-24 Nuts (black)
Secure the Left Condiment Tray to the Console using a
#10-24 x 1/2” stainless bolt and a #10-24 nut. Make sure
the holes of the Condiment Tray and the Console are
aligned. Reach underneath the console and hold the nut
in place with one finger and insert the bolt from the
outside as shown in Fig. 8 and tighten until they are
securely fastened.
Next: Repeat Step 5 to secure the Right Condiment Tray
to the opposite side of the console.
Fig. 8
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VCS4007 / VCS4017 / VCS4027 / VCS4037 / VCS5007 / VCS5017 / VCS5027 / VCS5037 Assembly
Step 9: Attach Side Burner Lid (S/B-Single)
Parts Required:
(1) Side Burner Lid (S/B-Single)
(2) #10-24 x 3/4” ( 1/4” Shank)*
* Included with the Side Burner Kit
Attach the lid marked (S/B-Single) to the Shelf Right top
marked VM-S/B using two #10-24 x 3/4” ( 1/4” Shank)
bolts. Align the holes at the back sides of the lid with the
holes located in the shelf top and insert a bolt in each.
Note: If your unit is equipped with a side burner, please
refer to the instruction sheet included with the side
burner for installation instructions.
Fig. 9
Step 10: Attach Knobs
Parts Required:
VCS4007: (5) Knobs
VCS4017: (5) Knobs
VCS4027: (5) Knobs
VCS4037: (5) Knobs
VCS5007: (6) Knobs
VCS5017: (6) Knobs
VCS5027: (6) Knobs
VCS5037: (6) Knobs
Note: Depending upon your specific model, your grill
may require 5 or 6 knobs. Models VCS4007, VCS4017,
VCS4027, & VCS4037 are equipped with five (5) knobs,
and models VCS5007, VCS5017, VCS5027 & VCS5037
are equipped with six (6) knobs.
Fig. 10
Align the knobs on the valve stems and push inward until
the knob sits snugly on the stem.
Fig. 11
Step 11: Remove the Packing Tape
Remove the Packing Tape from:
The Grease Cup
The Base Assembly (inside the grill)
The Warming Rack
Note: For models VCS5007, VCS5017, VCS5027 &
VCS5037, remove the Packing Tape from the front pull-
out drawer.
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VCS4007 / VCS4017 / VCS4027 / VCS4037 / VCS5007 / VCS5017 / VCS5027 / VCS5037 Assembly
Step 12: Attach the Handle to the Door
Parts Required:
VCS4007/VCS4017/VCS4027/VCS4037: (1) Handle
VCS5007/VCS5017/VCS5027/VCS5037: (3) Handles
Note: Handles may not appear exactly as shown in
Attach the Door handle(s) to the door(s) by aligning the
handles over the holes and inserting the screws that were
supplied with the handles through the door panel and into
the handles. For models VCS5007,VCS5017,VCS5027
& VCS5037, attach the drawer handle using the same
Note: If doors are not aligned or have shifted during
shipping, they can be adjusted by loosening the screws
which fasten the hinge of the door to the grill body and
shifting the doors until they are aligned. Once satisfied
with alignment, fully tighten the screws to secure the
doors into position.
Step 13: Install the Grease Cup and Grease Pan
Parts Required:
(1) Grease Cup
(1) Grease Pan
Install the Grease Cup into the cut-out in the Upper Base
Panel located underneath the grill. It is accessible from
the back of the grill. Once the Grease cup is in place,
move the Grease pan into position above it by placing
the side edges onto the support rails and sliding it into
Fig. 13
Note: Make sure the funnel opening of the grease pan is
positioned over the Grease Cup.
Step 14: Attach Stabilizer Bracket
Parts Required:
(2) #10-24 x 1/2” Bolts (black)
(1) Stabilizer Bracket
Attach the Stabilizer Bracket underneath the bottom
panel by aligning the holes and inserting both #10-24 x
1/2” bolts through the panel and into the Stabilizer
Stabilizer Bracket
Fig. 14
Bracket as shown in Fig. 14.
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VCS4007 / VCS4017 / VCS4027 / VCS4037 / VCS5007 / VCS5017 / VCS5027 / VCS5037 Assembly
Step 15: Install the Internal Components
Parts Required:
VCS4007 / VCS4017 :
VCS4027 / VCS4037
(4) Sear Plates
(3) Cooking Grates
(1) Warming Rack
VCS5007 / VCS5017 :
VCS5027 / VCS5037
(5) Sear Plates
(4) Cooking Grates
(1) Warming Rack
Carefully place each of the Sear plates side by side inside
the barbecue, making sure the semicircular finger groove
is facing toward the front of the grill. Each sear plate
rests just above each burner tube.
Sear Plate
Fig. 15a
Next, set the cooking grates, side by side, on the upper
ledge of the grill tub. Make sure the finger groove is
facing toward the front of the grill.
Set the warming rack into the supports located on either
side of the rear lid.
Note: One side of the Grate surface has a rounded side
suitable for meats and a flat side suitable for delicate
foods (i.e. fish). Grates can be turned over according to
your preference.
Caution: Do not attempt to turn Cooking Grate over
while the Grill is in use and grates are hot. Doing so
could result in severe burns and other injuries.
Fig. 15b
Step 16: Install the Battery
Note: requires a “AA” Battery.
Unscrew the Ignition Button from the console and insert
a battery into the housing by placing the positive side of
the battery in first. Then screw the Ignition button back
into the console.
Fig. 16
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VCS4007 / VCS4017 / VCS4027 / VCS4037 / VCS5007 / VCS5017 / VCS5027 / VCS5037 Assembly
Step 17: Install the LP Cylinder (LP Models Only)
Parts Required:
(1) LP Gas Cylinder (not included)
Note: Check your user’s manual for the cylinder filling
requirements, how to attach the regulator and how to test
for leaks before you try lighting the grill.
Caution: Make sure the hose is not touching any hot
Note: For Models VCS5007, VCS5017, VCS5027 &
VCS5037, refer to Tank Pull-out assembly instructions
included with the Tank Pull-out kit.
Fig. 17a
Place the LP Cylinder into the hole in the bottom panel.
Next secure it from moving by lifting the Cylinder
retainer wire and latching the bent edge over the lip of
the Cylinder. The final step is to connect the Regulator to
the Cylinder.
Caution: Do not turn on the grill until after performing a
leak check at all connection points and fittings. Use a
spray solution of 50% dish soap and 50% water onto all
connection points and fittings. Formation of bubbles
indicates air leaks.
Note: Ensure all plastic coatings have been removed
from all stainless steel parts before using the grill.
Fig. 17b
CFM Corporation
410 Admiral Boulevard
Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2N6 Canada
(800) 668-5323
Service Note: If you are experiencing difficulties or are dissatisfied with your purchase, please contact CFM at
the telephone number listed above prior to returning your grill to the store.
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CFM Corporation
410 Admiral Boulevard
Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2N6 Canada
(800) 668-5323
Service Note: If you are experiencing difficulties or are dissatisfied with your purchase, please contact CFM at
the telephone number listed above prior to returning your grill to the store.
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